Our Stories

We happily share success stories, blogs and more - and check out some amazing picture and video galleries of our animals!

Brown Bear having fun in the snow

News & Blog

Direct insights into the lives of our bears and our work at FOUR PAWS

Bears Emma and Erich playing in the water

Image Galleries

Colourful glimpses of the daily life of our bears

Bear Erich in the pond


Get a better impression of our BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach

Brown Bear


Updates on the work of FOUR PAWS and BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach

Bear Brumca with enrichment

Publications & Guides

Our guides offer useful information about bears and other animals

Cruel treatment of brown bear on a chain

Saddest Bears

FOUR PAWS helps the saddest bears. Get to know more about our work for bears in distress worldwide

visit fourpaws.org
Bears teasing each other playfully sich gemeinsam

Get to know the Bears

The bears at BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach enjoy their life in a natural environment. Get to know their stories!

Learn More
